Over the years, technological advancements have boomed, seeping into our homes and phones and changing our everyday lives. With some advancements, like AI and automations, becoming commonplace, we almost expect them to feature in services where we want the best experiences. That’s why the Irish sports betting industry is taking advantage of these technologies to bring further success to businesses.

With some technologies already implemented over the years, such as the digitalisation of the betting scene, Ireland’s sports betting industry will continue to evolve with new technologies being integrated into their offerings throughout 2024.
As with all big industries, staying ahead of pivotal technology trends is the key to success. This is particularly true for betting sites in Ireland who wish to remain at the top of their game. As more and more people expect an enhanced service that is personalised, customisable and includes every offering they could want and more, it is crucial for Irish betting sites to take advantage of the latest technology advancements. As seen with some of the bigger betting names at Scs, there is huge competition to push out the latest technologies like AI and esports events and gain a larger market share.
With this in mind, here are some of the technology trends we are likely to see in the Irish sports betting sphere this year…
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is something that has gone from a fantastical idea to something that we see almost everywhere. Many of us use AI in our jobs or day-to-day life without even thinking about it. So it makes sense that all big industries, like Irish sports betting, are taking advantage of its capabilities.
You’ll find artificial intelligence making its way into betting in the form of automated betting bots. These bots gather real-time data and generate potential opportunities for punters. They can then place automated bets on your behalf. Essentially, once set up with the user’s intentions, these automated bots can quickly analyse the latest data and make betting decisions for you, meaning that you don’t miss an opportunity.
It is still early days for this technology but it’s something that we will be seeing more and more of as time goes on. Especially as it promises more accurate predictions for bettors, giving them an edge and a greater chance of success.
Smart Technologies
A few years back, we saw the introduction of mobile betting stemming from the need for greater accessibility and the rise of the smartphone. Since then, technologies surrounding the smartphone have advanced considerably. With mobile betting remaining the preferred method, it then follows that these new technologies with make their way into the betting world.
Smartwatches already have a huge popularity with 26% of the Irish population owning one. The next big smart device is smart glasses which we are likely to see have a similar interest with the public. These smart devices bring convenient access to the functionalities of the wearer’s smartphone.
Being connected to the internet, they also provide up-to-date news and reports. This is why we are likely to see punters wanting to use these devices for easy access to sports betting. Whether it be to check odds, place bets or receive notifications from their betting apps, smart devices are going to be playing a huge part in the betting experience.
For Irish bookmakers to stay ahead, they will need to make their betting sites and apps compatible with these devices and ensure their customers have access to their offerings through any current or upcoming smart devices.
eSport Betting
eSports, or professional gaming, has grown in popularity over the last few years, making it a significant part of Irish sports betting. With its appeal to global as well as national audiences, betting sites have gradually started to include it in their offerings. And this is something we are likely to see continue throughout 2024.
eSports and similar fantasy sports games present new opportunities and challenges along with unique and dynamic betting strategies when compared to traditional sports. This is likely why they have become a popular form of sport to bet on.
Appealing to a younger demographic, offering eSports betting can open up a bookmaker’s clientele as well as expand the betting options for existing customers. With the existing popularity of fantasy sports betting, we will be seeing more and more betting sites offer this market over the coming year.
Digital-First Approach
While this isn’t a new thing, embracing digital technologies is still an important consideration for all Irish bookmakers. The things that all new technologies have in common are easy access and improved experience. For this reason, as an audience, we expect to be able to access almost anything digitally.
With this need becoming more and more apparent, any land-based Irish bookmakers face competition from online betting sites. Therefore, if they haven’t done so already, it is likely that throughout 2024 they will emerging into the online market, providing their offerings in the format the majority of their audience wants.