Democracy in Danger: Leading in the Polls, Trump Lays Out Dark Vision

Calling his opponents vermin, encouraging violence, using minorities as scapegoats, amongst the Nazi tactics Trump is using.

Now We Know How Hitler Did It.

Welcome to another episode of history repeating itself – or so it seems. We’ve seen the playbook before: a charismatic leader rises to power, promising to restore the nation’s glory, targeting vulnerable groups as scapegoats, and eventually pushing the envelope towards autocracy.


Sound familiar? Well, it should. This isn’t just the story of a failed Austrian painter who became a dictator; it’s a mirror reflecting the current political landscape in America.

The Unmasking of America’s Brownshirts

Let’s not beat around the bush. The comparisons between Trump, his MAGA movement, and Hitler’s rise to power are more than just a passing thought in a former Republican’s mind. It’s on national television, folks. The Brownshirts are no longer a chapter in a history book; they’re here, in the land of the free, where America’s richest seem to flirt with antisemitism and right-wing influencers casually throw around accusations against “Jews and liberals.”

Echoes of the Past: MAGA and the Nazi Parallel

Can we draw parallels between MAGA’s grip on the GOP and the Nazis’ stranglehold over the German right in the 1930s? You bet. Both narratives began with national humiliation: Germany’s defeat in WWI and America’s misadventures in Iraq and Afghanistan. Trump and Hitler, both artists of manipulation, knew exactly how to play this card, blaming their countries’ embarrassments on political foes.

The Economic Crisis: A Stepping Stone for Demagogues

Economic crises can make nations desperate, and desperation breeds extremism. Hitler capitalized on Germany’s economic turmoil, exacerbated by the Treaty of Versailles. Trump, on the other hand, pointed fingers at neoliberalism for gutting America’s middle class. Their promises were eerily similar: restoring prosperity and national pride. “Make Germany/America Great Again” – catchy, right?

Failed Coups and the Turn to ‘Legal’ Means

Both Trump and Hitler initially tried the violent route to power and failed miserably – Hitler in a Munich beer hall, Trump on January 6th. But why resort to brute force when you can manipulate the system? Both then sought to legally seize their nations, using democratic structures to undermine democracy itself.

The Scapegoating Playbook

Ah, the classic move of every tyrant – find a scapegoat. Hitler had Jews, gays, and liberals. Trump had Blacks, Muslims, immigrants, and liberals. Their rhetoric was uncannily similar, painting these groups as threats to national purity and unity.

Media: The Propaganda Machine

No authoritarian regime is complete without controlling the media. Hitler branded the press as the “lying press,” while Trump, not to be outdone, borrowed a line from Stalin, dubbing the media “the enemy of the people.” Both understood the power of media in shaping public opinion and bending it to their will.

Religion as a Political Tool

Exploiting religion for political gains isn’t new, and both Hitler and Trump played this card. Hitler’s Germany saw the rise of a “New Christianity,” while Trump cozied up to rightwing religious groups, securing their unwavering support.

The Cult of Personality and International Alliances

Both leaders didn’t just stop at their borders. They sought international allies – Hitler with Mussolini and Franco, Trump with the likes of Putin and Kim Jong-un. In doing so, they projected an image of strength and defiance, appealing to their base’s love for a strongman.

The Inciting Incidents

Every dictator needs a rallying cry, a singular event to consolidate power. For Hitler, it was the Reichstag fire; for Trump, the claim of a stolen election. These events became the cornerstone of their claims to illegitimate power.

The Iron Fist: Suppression and Control

Once in power, both Hitler and Trump set about dismantling democratic institutions. Hitler used the Enabling Act to bypass the parliament, while Trump floated the idea of using the “unitary executive” theory to rewrite laws. They both understood that control over the judiciary and military was crucial in cementing their rule.

The Targeting of Minorities

Trump’s administration, much like Hitler’s regime, didn’t shy away from targeting minorities. While Hitler’s first targets were queer individuals, Trump’s policies often marginalized LGBTQ+ communities, immigrants, and racial minorities.

The Final Note: It Can Happen Here

So, what’s the takeaway from this stroll down nightmare lane? That history isn’t just a thing of the past; it’s a warning for the future. As we witness the rise of authoritarian tendencies in American politics, the echoes of the past serve as a stark reminder: yes, it can happen here. We’re not just at a crossroads; we’re teetering on the brink of a precipice, and the next steps will determine whether we plunge into the abyss or step back into the light.

As they say, those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. The question is, are we listening?